Donate Now

Donation Info

Tax Information:
Klimate Xchange Inc. is registered as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Contributions to Klimate Xchange are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. Our identification number is 87-3408469.

Mail Donations:
To donate by check , please provide your contact information and check and mail to:
Klimate Xchange
1001 Avenida Pico Ste C122
San Clemente, CA 92673

Other Questions?
Feel free to contact us at: ‪(949) 312-1451 with any other donation questions.

Donation Info

Tax Information:
Klimate Xchange Inc. is registered as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Contributions to Klimate Xchange are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. Our identification number is 87-3408469.

Mail Donations:
To donate by check , please provide your contact information and check and mail to:
Klimate Xchange
1001 Avenida Pico Ste C122
San Clemente, CA 92673

Other Questions?
Feel free to contact us at: ‪(949) 312-1451 with any other donation questions.